
Marina Bloj

Institution: University of Bradford

About me: My undergraduate degree is in physics, I have completed post-graduate studies in lighting design, human and computer vision, neuroscience and experimental psychology. I was appointed as a Lecturer in Bradford less than a year after completing my doctorate and promoted to Professor in 2012.

In 2006 I completed my New Lecturer award from the EPSRC that allowed me to establish a natural vision laboratory where quantitative manipulations of lighting and scene structure can be made in a room sized lighting booth. This setup has allowed me to determine the accuracy and perceptual validity of computer simulations with particular emphasis on colour and interreflections.

Between 2006 and 2009, I was Principal Investigator on a 3year EPSRC grant, which aimed to generate, validate and display high fidelity computer generated images of real scenes for use in psychophysics, archaeological reconstructions and defense applications. This was a joint project with Prof. Alan Chalmers from the Warwick Digital Lab and two industrial partners: Brightside (now part of the DOLBY group) and INSYS Ltd as well as the UK Ministry of Defense via the Defense Science Technology Laboratory (DSTL). As part of this project I had access to one of the few High Dynamics Range displays available in Europe and carried out the first assessment of the suitability of this new devices for psychophysics and developed a framework that allows for this type of display to be used with standard (non high dynamic range) images.

In 2008 I become an elected member of the University Senate and the Academic Policy and Strategy Committee and took a special interest in Research and Knowledge Transfer issues across the University. From 2009-2014 I served as one of the Senate’s representative on University Council and Court.

Between 2010 and 2014 I was the Associate Dean for Research and Knowledge Transfer and Director of the Institute of Life Sciences Research, School (now Faculty) of Life Sciences - University of Bradford.

Andrew Welchman

Institution: University of Cambridge

About me: I took first class honours in Psychology from the University of Durham and got my PhD with Julie Harris (first Edinburgh, then Newcastle). I held a Humboldt post-doc fellowship in Tuebingen, and was then a BBSRC David Phillips Fellow in Birmingham. Since October 2013 I have been in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge.

I currently hold a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship in Basic Biomedical Science. Other support for the work in my lab comes from grants from the Wellcome Trust and European Commission.

I am enthusiastic about my work and engage in public understanding of science when I can. I have given a number talks in Schools, as well as giving media interviews.

Diego Gutierrez

Insititution: Universidad De Zaragoza

About me: Diego Gutiérrez is a full professor at the University of Zaragoza, accredited for a professor since 2013. He is a member of the Aragón Engineering Research Institute, and directs the Graphics and Imaging Lab research group. He regularly collaborates with companies and universities such as Disney, Adobe, NASA, MIT or Stanford. He has received several awards in his career, including the Google Faculty Research Award in 2015. In addition, he received at the beginning of the year the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant, of the European Research Council, equipped with 1.7 million euros, to study computer image and perception.

Katja Dorschner- Boyaci

Insitution: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

About me: Research in my lab focuses on visual perception, aiming to understand the mechanisms by which the brain is able to construct a rich perceptual experience from the inherently ambiguous retinal input. Specifically, we investigate what kind of information the visual system utilizes to estimate object qualities and how this information is extracted and processed by the brain. A special focus here is on the role of image motion in conveying an object’s material properties and shape characteristics. We use a combination of methods including psychophysical experimentation, computer graphics, pattern analysis, and neuroimaging.

Huseyin Boyaci

Institution: Bilkent Universitesi

About me: Research in my lab is focused on visual perception and its neuronal underpinnings. We use behavioral experimentation, neuroimaging (fMRI), and computational modeling to find answers to problems of vision science. I am currently a guest professor at the University of Giessen.

Sylvia Pont

Institution: Technische Universiteit Delft

About me: In 2016 Sylvia Pont was appointed Antoni van Leeuwenhoek professor. She works at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft since 2008. In the light and vision labs, which are part of the π-lab (Perceptual Intelligence lab) facilities, her group works on studies in design, perception, optics and rendering of light and its interactions with material, shape and space. She coordinates the Perceptual Intelligence lab, a collaboration between the Vision and Sound Design groups at Industrial Design Engineering and the Multimedia Computing group at Computer Science. Currently running research projects in her group: 2 PhD projects Perceptual qualities of light and of materials as part of the EU International Training Network project PRISM, 1 PhD project 3D fine art reproduction in collaboration with Design Engineering and 3mE; 1 of 2 PhD projects in the NWO NICAS project material rendering in still lifes in collaboration with Utrecht University and 3mE. Starting up: 2 PhD projects as part of Maarten Wijntjes NWO VIDI project paintings under a magnifying glass. Recently finished: PhD project Ling Xia on Perceptual metrics of light fields (defense October 3, 2016). For more information see my personal website.

She coordinates a Master’s elective course Lighting Design and participates in a range of other courses in Industrial Design, amongst others teaching visual perception (and lighting) of products and research methods. In the past she developed and teached courses on psychophysics, colour, and optics.

Marc Ernst

Insitutition: Universitaet Ulm

About me: I am the Head of the Department of Applied Cognitive Psychology at the University of Ulm in Germany.

Wendy Adams

Institution: University of Southampton

About me: Wendy Adams joined the University of Southampton’s Department of Psychology in 2004. She is a Professor of Experimental Psychology, and her research involves human visual perception and multisensory perception.

She received her BSc in Psychology from the University of Sheffield and stayed at Sheffield to complete a PhD in binocular vision with John Frisby. She was a postdoctoral research fellow with Marty Banks at UC Berkeley and then with Pascal Mamassian at the University of Glasgow.

Wendy is on the editorial board of Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. She has served on the abstract review committees for the VSS and Eurohaptics conferences, and on the grant assessment panel for the UK’s EPSRC. She has received grants from NIH, EPSRC, ESRC, Wellcome Trust and the British Academy.

Anya Hurbert

Institution: University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

About me: My background is in physics, medicine and neuroscience, with my higher education and early career research experience taking place on both sides of the Atlantic. I graduated from Princeton University in 1980 with a BA in Physics, followed in 1981 by a Part III Diploma in Theoretical Physics and in 1982 an MA in Physiology from Cambridge University, where I held a Marshall Scholarship. In 1989, I received a PhD in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from MIT, where I studied with Tomaso Poggio and Peter Schiller, and in 1990, an MD from Harvard Medical School. I then held a Vision Research Fellowship at Oxford University in Andrew Parker’s lab, before joining Physiological Sciences in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Newcastle University in 1991 as a lecturer.


Zoe Kourtzi


Institution: University of Cambridge


About me: Zoe Kourtzi is Professor of Experimental Psychology at the Department of Psychology and a Principal Investigator in the Adaptive Brain Lab. Before moving to Cambridge in 2013, Zoe was Chair in Brain Imaging at Birmingham University, a position which she had held since 2005. Zoe has extensive research experience, which was built up across a range of elite institutions, including Rutgers University, Harvard University, MIT, and the Max Planck Institute. She has also worked as a scientist in industry.

Having completed her BSc in Psychology at the University of Crete, Zoe moved to the United States, where she undertook a PhD in Cognitive Psychology at Rutgers University. This was in the early ninghties, when the new developments in human magnetic resonance imaging revolutionarised the field of cognitive psychology. Zoe was fascinated by the new filed of cognitive neuroscience and moved to Boston and then Tuebingen, Germany to learn about cutting-edge techniques in brain imaging.

Through her research, Zoe seeks to understand the links between brain structure, neural function and behaviour. Her work focuses on the role of learning and experience in enabling humans of all ages to translate sensory experience into adaptive behaviours. Her work combines multimodal brain imaging techniques such as structural and functional MRI, EEG, and MEG, established behavioural paradigms from cognitive psychology, and mathematical algorithms.

Elmar Eisemann


Institution: Technische Universiteit Delft


About me: Elmar Eisemann is a professor at TU Delft, heading the Computer Graphics and Visualization Group. Before he was an associated professor at Telecom ParisTech (until 2012) and a senior scientist heading a research group in the Cluster of Excellence (Saarland University / MPI Informatik) (until 2009). 
He studied at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris (2001-2005) and received his PhD from the University of Grenoble at INRIA Rhone-Alpes (2005-2008). He spent several research visits abroad; at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2006), Adobe Systems Inc. (2007,2008).

His interests include real-time and perceptual rendering, visualization, alternative representations, shadow algorithms, global illumination, and GPU acceleration techniques. He coauthored the book “Real-time shadows” and participated in various committees and editorial boards. He was local organizer of EGSR 2010, 2012, HPG 2012, and paper chair of HPG 2015, EGSR 2016, GI 2017, and general chair of Eurographics 2018 in Delft. His work received several distinction awards and he was honored

Belen Masia

Belén Masiá, investigadora óptica  /23-10-2014/ Foto: Asier Alcorta

Insititution: Universidad De Zaragoza


About me: I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Universidad de Zaragoza, and a member of the Graphics & Imaging Lab of the I3A Institute. Before I was a postdoctoral researcher at MPI Informatik, and a member of the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication.

My research interests span computational imaging and displays, virtual reality and applied perception. Including: modeling and perception of appearance, understanding user behavior in virtual environments, high dynamic range imaging, stereo and multiview displays, and light fields.

Knut Drewing


Insitution: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

About me:Diploma 1998 University of Kiel, Dissertation (awarded the Otto-Hahn-Medaille) 2001 Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Post-Doc at the Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research in Munich 2001-2002 and at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen 2002-2004
Research Interests: Haptic and Multisensory Perception, Cue Integration, Timing, Sensorimotor Integration.

Roland Fleming


Institution: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

About me: Roland Fleming read PPP at Oxford, and did his PhD at MIT. After a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, he joined Giessen University, where he is currently the Kurt Koffka Professor of Experimental Psychology. His research combines psychophysics, neural modelling, computer graphics and image analysis. His research program aims to understand how the brain estimates the 3D shape of surfaces, and the material properties of objects such as elasticity, translucency or viscosity. He coordinated the EU-funded Marie Curie Training Network “PRISM: Perceptual Representation of Illumination, Shape and Materials”. In 2013 he was awarded the Young Investigator Award by the Vision Sciences Society, and in 2016 an ERC Consolidator Award for the project “SHAPE: On the perception of growth, form and process”.

Karl Gegenfurtner



Institution: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

About me: The emphasis of my current research is on information processing in the visual system. Specifically, I am concerned with the relationship between low level sensory processes, higher level visual cognition, and sensorimotor integration.

My goal is to answer the question how complex scenes and objects are perceived in a natural environment, how they are represented in the brain, and how the visual information is used to drive the motor system.